Chevrolet Cruze manuals

Chevrolet Cruze Repair Manual: Body Lock Pillar Outer Panel Sectioning (MIG-Brazing)

Chevrolet Cruze Repair Manual / Body repair / Collision Repair / Body Lock Pillar Outer Panel Sectioning (MIG-Brazing)

Note: According to different corrosion warranties, only the regional mandatory joining methods are allowed.

Installation Procedure
Cut the body lock pillar outer panel in corresponding locations to fit the remaining original panel. The sectioning joint should be trimmed to allow a gap of one-and-one-half-times the met ...

Removal Procedure
Warning: Refer to Approved Equipment for Collision Repair Warning in the Preface section. Warning: Refer to Collision Sectioning Warning in the Preface section. Warning: Refer to Glass and She ...

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Installation Procedure
Cut the front end upper tie bar in corresponding locations to fit the remaining original panel. The sectioning joint should be trimmed to allow a gap of one-and-one-half-times the metal thickness at the sectioning joint. Create a 50 mm (2 in) backing plate from the unused portion of ...

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